Credit Card Debt Consolidation from Goldman Sachs

The financial giant, Goldman Sachs has been in business for nearly 150 years, and recently they have put their money on the average citizen. After almost two centuries of avoidance, the banker of the rich has created a new program, titled Marcus. Birthed from the founder’s name, Marcus Goldman. This service has been long awaited. …

More Stop and Searches in London Planned

In my idealistic world, good conquers evil, cancer doesn’t exist, dogs are born house trained and babies don’t cry. Wouldn’t that be FABULOUS?! In the world I do live in, evil is everywhere, cancer kills, I wake up to ‘bonza pressies’ off the dog and if babies crying was an Olympic sport, at least 3 …

Punish a Muslim Day? I Truly Despair

An array of fliers have been sent out to houses up and down the country, calling for April 3rd to be Punish a Muslim day, with a points system for the most deprived and degrading crimes ranking the highest, and ultimately, 1000 points for bombing a Mosque (which in itself is ironic as that is …