In the UK, the benefits system is in place to help those that truly need it. It doesn’t matter if it’s because you’ve fallen on hard times, have recently be bereaved, have a disability (lifelong or temporary) rendering you unfit to work. The system is there to provide a much needed crutch to those that need it most. The same goes with social housing.

For a someone with 7 kids (all by different fathers) to be given £2000 a month in state handouts, to live rent and tax free to be able to afford over £100,000 worth of luxuries beggars belief! Then for police upon raiding the house to find £10,000 in cash under the mattress of the (four poster, water) bed just adds insult to injury.

To make matters worse, they are so notorious for violence that between them they have criminal convictions longer than my arms and legs combined. Someone on benefits should not be able to afford a £3000 TV. Nor should they be able to afford a swimming pool and sauna in the conservatory! Benefits are in place to keep you going, not afford you the lifestyle of a Saudi prince.

The courts have tried the family and found that the money that allowed them to afford such a grand lifestyle came as ‘proceeds of crime’ and that one of the woman’s many children had a drug problem.

Instead of setting an example for her children, the youngest of which is 10, she’s allowed the entire family to spiral into what can only be described as an episode of Shameless.

Completely feral, getting involved in bar brawls, drugs and stolen goods. In fact, I don’t think there is anything this family wouldn’t do to get ahead.

The idea behind council housing was that everyone would have a roof over their head, and that they would be able to afford a decent standard of living.

The beauty of council housing is that your house is your home, and you can do (nearly) anything you like to it. Redecorate, new kitchen, new bathroom, put shelves, cupboards and pictures up. Basically it is like you own the house you have the right to make it a home.

However, there is a huge difference between getting a new kitchen, and installing a swimming pool!

There are ex army personnel out there shivering on the streets, while yobs and thugs are being allowed to live the life of Riley on tax payer’s hard earned cash.

Why don’t we start using a little common sense and looking at the claimant’s history. This family are repeat offenders who haven’t fallen on hard times, they are chancers who seem to have constantly got lucky by playing the system against itself and successfully achieving everything that they desire, including 2 cars, a scooter, several bikes, DVD players, expensive TV’s, SKY, Internet, Cigarettes, Alcohol, Plush furniture and much more. This isn’t fair for anyone, especially when the hard working public struggle to get by.

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