Author: Sara O'Connell

So this morning, I had to do a reset of my computer, it had got stuck in a continual loop and nothing was properly responding (never leave your computer on overnight, even when defragging). So, I did the reset, and got the dreaded Bios Message. Joy of joys. Just what I need with a deadline. But, thanks to my smartphone I got to the bottom of it. It’s quite embarrassing, I did study IT in college, and dropped out before we got to the good stuff! Instead they were teaching us how to be a secretary and type letters and…

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An array of fliers have been sent out to houses up and down the country, calling for April 3rd to be Punish a Muslim day, with a points system for the most deprived and degrading crimes ranking the highest, and ultimately, 1000 points for bombing a Mosque (which in itself is ironic as that is an act of terrorism, the very thing that people misjudgingly think all Muslims are quite adept at). The thing is, the inbreds that would do this can’t differentiate between Jews, Sikhs, Muslims or Catholics. They simply see a head scarf or a turban and immediately…

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If you have been thinking of having something different for your Easter dinner, then how about having Fishcakes with a Thai Sweet Chilli Dip? These simple Fishcakes are simply divine as an appetizer with a small side salad, or as a healthy lunch with New Potatoes and Glazed Vegetables for a more substantial lunch or evening meal. Feel free to play with the recipe to suit your own tastes and needs. Serves 2 – 4 Ingredients 4 Large Potatoes, 1 Large Salmon Fillet, 1 Large Cod Fillet, 160g can Tuna in Brine well drained or pre drained, 1tsp Chilli Powder,…

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Several UK celebs of both genders have agreed to bear all to raise funds and awareness for cancer. The boys include the likes of Alexander Armstrong and Ainsley Harriot, while the girls include Coleen Nolan. Channelling the hugely popular comedy from the 90’s, The Full Monty (American friends, if you’ve not seen it, it is a true British gem of gritty comedy), where during the Sheffield Steel crisis, coupled with the aftermath of recession, a group of guys find themselves so flat broke, something costs ‘£4.99 and they’re still a fiver short.’. Both sets of participants are raising awareness for…

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As M&S looks at overhauling its food range, let’s look at ways YOU can make some restaurant quality favourites. As M&S has reported a decline in sales, it has been decided that a bit of an overhaul is in order. However, we thought it may be an idea to show you how to make restaurant quality foods at a fraction of the price. Most of these are side dishes, and predominantly will go with anything, but we have slipped a few mains in too. So get creative. The reason we’re doing this, is because it really isn’t expensive to eat…

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Is it possible for people to be famous for actually DOING good things? It’s been a very strange week or so. Stephen Hawking died, Jim Bowen Died. They’ve been dropping like flies. Kim Kardashian gives someone a blowjob and suddenly she’s an A list celeb! Seriously, there is something wrong when the untalented are being made into the medias hot totty. The Beatles had talent, Elvis had talent, Cher has talent, Bette Midler has talent. They are true celebs. People that actually do something, instead we’ve got the modern day Addams Family thrust into the spotlight. We have Kaitlyn Jenner,…

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The Silent Child won the Best Live Action Short Film Oscar last night, and the most poignant moment of the night, was when Rachel Shenton did her entire acceptance speech in British Sign Language. The Silent Child follows the life of a deaf girl who lives in a world of absolute silence, where her parents speak to her through sign because she’d promised the little girl who starred in the film, that if they won, she would sign so she could see. This was a nice gesture, something a lot of people would shy away from, I can speak a…

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In the UK, the benefits system is in place to help those that truly need it. It doesn’t matter if it’s because you’ve fallen on hard times, have recently be bereaved, have a disability (lifelong or temporary) rendering you unfit to work. The system is there to provide a much needed crutch to those that need it most. The same goes with social housing. For a someone with 7 kids (all by different fathers) to be given £2000 a month in state handouts, to live rent and tax free to be able to afford over £100,000 worth of luxuries beggars…

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I’m a country boy at heart, growing up with a Green Grocer, a Butcher, a Baker, a local corner shop, a florist, a hairdresser and a barbers shop and a local pub, all in the village square, or about a 200ft radius. The Green Grocer got all of his fruits and vegetables from local farmers and suppliers, the butcher got his meats from various farmers in the surrounding villages. The baker used local ingredients where possible and made his own cakes, pies, breads, at one point he even did his own pizza by the slice. The corner shop used either…

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Beleaguered former BHS workers could have to wait years until they get answers about what will happen to their pensions, say experts. The Pensions Regulator has become so fed up with waiting for former BHS owner Sir Philip Green to provide reassurance about pensions, that formal legal proceedings have now been begun. In a dramatic move, the regulator has sent out enforcement notices to Sir Philip after failing to agree a deal to resolve the £571 million pensions deficit. Pensions expert John Ralfe now says former employees could be waiting years for any sort of resolution to the standoff. The…

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